Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Whale cupcake cake

I made this whale cupcake cake for a the 8-year-old daugher of a friend of mine!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Shark cupcake cake

I had the pleasure of making a shark cupcake cake for Mrs. Mask's 2nd grade class, who had their end of the year party today! Sharks apparently is their mascot!

Friday, May 28, 2010


My sweet friend is always looking for more BLING!! So she asked me to make these for her and her daughter to wear this summer! And I LOVE it!!!

New style

I was looking for a different style of flops for a few friends and have stumbled upon a unique look but still really cute!

Blockhouse Bears flops

I created these for a friend at our elementary school who was looking for some flip flops to match our Blockhouse Bears shirts!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Malissa's bows

Here again is my friend Malissa's blogs! Check out her adorable bows and flower clips. These are the flower clips she made for Cadee to wear in the wedding this weekend!

Bridal party flip flops

This has been a lot of fun! Jeff's cousin, Misty Farris, is getting married this weekend. A few months ago she requested a pair of bridal flip flops! I was more than happy to oblige! She then suggested I make some for Cadee too, since she will be the flower girl in the wedding. THEN, she sent me 3 pairs of flip flops to decorate for the bridesmaids! I think they all go together very well and I can't wait to see them all together on actual feet! Cadee has tried hers on and is so excited that hers match Misty's! PLUS, she doesn't have to wear "church" shoes!!! :) She is also excited to wear the flower clips that match the bridal party! These clips were made by our friend Malissa. Check out her blog!
It will be so cool to see all of this together!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Meghan's 18th!

We celebrated a sweet friend's birthday last weekend. Meghan Goins, now 18 years old!!!, is very precious to our whole family. She has been our friend/babysitter, for a few years now. The Simmons and our family even convinced her to go stay at the beach with us for a whole week for a summer. She worked hard with those kiddos and Deborah and I had a great time shopping with her! Our kids, all 3 of them, love her to death! What will we do if she moves away to college??? I don't know!! Until then, we will enjoy her sweet friendship! Here is the cake we made for her birthday party. Fresh raspberry cake with chocolate buttercream frosting. Hot pink and bright orange zebra stripes in fondatn! YUM! She was so excited that we had to fight her to be able to actually cut and eat that cake!!! Love you, Meghan!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jennifer's baby showers

We celebrated the coming of Jennifer's Baby Ella Jade with 2 baby showers! Such fun! I made the cakes for both showers and really liked the way both turned out! :)

More Cakes

This is a cake I made for our friend Lizzie's 2nd birthday! She loves puppies!

I wanted to just share a few pictures of cakes from the last few weeks.
This one is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that I made for our friend Hogan's 2nd birthday party! What a special time!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Only the beginning

So this is the first time I've ever tried a blog. I would love to be able to post flip flops and cakes that I create so that people who aren't on facebook can see them. So I'll try this out and see how it goes! Maybe I'll even post personal things too! :)